Old time favorites and popular new Tarpon flies offered by Merrimack River Flies. All are hand-tied in our shop on quality Gamakatsu Hooks.
Tied in the Florida Tarpon Style. Tied with a rabbit fur collar. Variety of colors available. Tied on Strong Gamakatsu Hooks. Size #1/0 - #3/0
Tied in the Florida Keys Tarpon Style. The tail is a long grizzly saddle hackle with a squirrel tail collar. Tied on strong Gamakatsu Hooks. Size #1/0 - #3/0
The peanut butter patterns by Enrico Puglisi are very effective on a large variety of species.
Brush Fly pattern specifically constructed for the challenges of fishing for Giant Trevally. 6" long and tied on Gamakatsu Big Game hooks.
Tied in the Florida Keys Tarpon Style. The collar on keys style flies is a long saddle hackle. Available in a variety of colors. Tied on strong Gamakatsu Hooks.
Size #1/0 - #3/0
Deer hair head to keep the Laid up Tarpon Fly in the strike zone. Tied on strong Gamakatsu Tarpon hooks. Tan over Orange. Variety of hook sizes
The Tarpon Deceiver fly features a scissor style (flared) tail to increase action. 3-D prismatic eyes and a peacock herl topping increase appeal. In sizes #1/0 -3/0
A unique Mix of synthetic and natural materials combine to make an effective Tarpon fly.
Borski's Orange Butt Tarpon Fly. Craft fur tail, orange flash, and orange chenille butt. Tied on Strong Gamakatsu Hooks.
Size #1/0 - #3/0
Tied in the Florida Tarpon Style. Paradise flies have marabou collar. Variety of colors available. Tied on Strong Gamakatsu Hooks.
Size #1/0 - #3/0
Tied in the Florida Tarpon Style. Tied on Strong Gamakatsu Hooks.
Size #1/0 - #3/0
Tied in the Florida Tarpon Style. Tied with a purple hackle collar. Variety of colors available. Tied on Strong Gamakatsu Hooks. Size #1/0 - #3/0
Tied in the Florida Tarpon Style. Seaducer Flies have a long hackle tail and flashy body. Variety of colors available. Tied on Strong Gamakatsu Hooks. Size #1/0 - #3/0
The Tarpon Toad should be in every fly wallet. It's innovative style and Tarpon catching ability have made it a must-have Tarpon fly pattern. Tied on Strong Gamakatsu Hooks. Size #1/0 - #3/0
Tied in the Florida Tarpon Style. Tied with a black Hackle collar. Variety of colors available. Tied on Strong Premium Hooks. Size #1/0 - #3/0