Fire Tiger Herring Streamer
Item Number: FTherstrm
Manufacturer: Merrimack River Flies
Manufacturer Part No: FTherstrm
Fire Tiger Herring Streamer Fly
The Fire Tiger Streamer Fly has the profile of our popular Herring Streamer Fly. The Fire Tiger color is a popular choice for Stripers, Bluefish, Bonito, False Albacore and offshore game fish. Fly length is between 5 & 6" long, but can be tied longer on request.
The Herring Deceiver imitation is a best selling favorite with striper fly casters! This Deceiver style fly features a scissor style (flared) tail to increase action. 3-D prismatic eyes and peacock herl topping increase appeal. In sizes #2 - 4/0
The herring streamer imitation is quickly becoming a best-seller! Tied with synthetic hair, this fly is both effective and durable. 3-D prismatic eyes increase appeal. In sizes #2 - 4/0. Try this as a Gizzard Shad Imitation
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